The City of Dallas is proud to present the 27th Annual Water-Wise Landscape Tour, seminar, and winner’s showcase. It’s all about saving as much water as we can in Dallas and still having beautiful landscapes and outdoor living spaces. Our virtual tour speakers are innovative experts dedicated to conserving Dallas’ natural resources and helping you have the best home environment possible.
A survey link will be included at the end of Saturday’s program for Dallas residents. The first 75 residents to return the survey by 2:00 p.m. or earlier will receive a free 1-gallon plant (Turks Cap, Texas Lantana or White Gaura) plus a bag of compost. Four pick-up locations are selected for the gift exchange.
Tune in to be inspired! Here is our exciting lineup of speakers.
- Laurie Gray Nesbitt, Landscape Architect – “Healthy Roots Make Healthy Landscapes”
- Amanda Griffin, Smart Outdoor Services – “Winter Irrigation Tips”
- Daniel Cunningham, “Texas Plant Guy”, Rooted In – “Plants Everyone Can Fall For”
- Patrick Dickinson, Landscape Designer, Rooted In – “Design Tips to Grow On”
- Winners Showcase
Join us via Zoom on Saturday, October 23, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for this informative FREE event.
Meeting ID: 896 0181 4259
Passcode: 578875
10:00 am-12:00 pm